Samstag, 27. September 2014

#4 UNIQSO: EOS Fay Pink (aka EOS Fairy series)

Today I'm back with some lovely Circle Lenses by

you can find them here:
EOS Fay Pink (aka EOS Fairy series) $22,90
**Use the code "jennyan" for a 10% discount!**

Very cute Circle Lenses with a soft rose color *-* I wonder how they'll look on my bright blue eyes!
Packaged just as always - perfect & lovely. (Just take a look at my very first review for them)

Included are the lenses, a lens case and a very cute 'Thank you' box, where it's all in! *3*

Aww; just look at them! Aren't they lovely? >3< Now I really need to put them in my eyes!!

Tadaa! It was fast, just as the last time - UNIQSOs Circle Lenses are very easy to put in, it's pretty nice, since I'm a newcomer in Circle Lenses. :3
Follow these extensive EYE CARE rules mentioned here if you are also a beginner
- Always remember to put in the Lenses before you apply the make-up! -

~with a little bit make-up~

They are really nice in enlargement, my eyes are looking much bigger, the diameter is 14,5mm!

Because I have bright blue eyes, I think it's especially soft, so I think if I had more darker eyes, it would be more like pink, and not that soft rose, but I'm glad the way it is, because I really love the colour and I didn't expect anything else. :)

After I got them in.. Well, nothing happened :D I didn't feel anything, they were pretty fast used to my eyes, it felt like I've got nothing in my eyes. Yay! \o/

The communication with UNIQSO is also very nice, they are answering in less than 24 hours and are always very kind!

Humm.. I think I fell in love with them <_> When my pink wig is arrived, I have to use them for more pictures! *O*

Now; Let's have some pictures! :3


Color: 5/5
Very nice, soft and lovely rose color - just like the original picture showed!
Comfort: 5/5
Perfect comfort, I didn't feel anything after the very first seconds I had them in. :3 I wore them for 5 hours, even with make-up, no problems at all.
Enlargement: 5/5
14,5mm enlargement - very nice! ^-^

Shipping: 5/5

Just as always very nice packaged, they were shipped on 10th September & arrived on 23th September!
Overall: 5+/5
Want to be cute? Need cute Circle Lenses? Don't wait, go & get them!! :3
**Use the code "jennyan" for a 10% discount!**
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1 Kommentare:

Unknown 27. September 2014 um 15:51  

Pretty cl colour, you look so cute with them! :3

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Since 27th August 2014

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