Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

#14 bornpretty: Accessoires

Heya! ^-^
This time I'll review some cute accessoires by bornpretty for you!
This is the original productimage. Also available in color red!

These little, cute owl earrings really are an eyecatcher! With the glittering on it it looks so special, yet simple.
The earrings didn't hurt me while wearing them 24 hours without taking them off. Nothing to worry about!
The size is 1.4*2.2cm, material is Alloy, Rhinestone & the weight only 5.5g.
It's a must-have for owlfans, or just a nice gift for a important friend!
 They're shining so nice <3
This is the original productimage. Also available in color black & red!

Just another cute accessoire with an owl on it. I chose the white one, because it looks simply cute and fits to every color I'm wearing.
It's really comfortable to wear, you have to try it!
The material is alloy, size 21*1.8cm & weight 6.2g.
(eww, yeah, it was cold, sorry :D)
Lovely Necklace Bling Rhinestone Miffy Rabbit Design Sweater Chain $2.99
This is the original productimage. Also available in color white!

Okay, this is my fav necklace so far. I just love the cute little rabbit on it, it's a real eye-catcher, + the necklace is really long, what makes it more comfortable to wear!

The material is Alloy & the length 78cm. *-*
That's a real must-have for cute girls. *q*
This is the original productimage. Colors are randomly chosen!

Yay; I've got a butterfly on my finger, eheh! ^-^
This ring is super cute (Just like everyone else I got from them!!)
I have thin fingers, I'm glad it's fitting me that perfectly, because I've many problems getting a ring which I love and fits me. '-'
Just like all the other things, eye-catchy-catchy!!
Shipping: 4/5
Shipping took 4 weeks, which is kinda long, but still okay for the nice price.
Everything was well and safe packaged.
Contact: 5/5
The contact was very nice and kind, always got fast answers.
Overall: 5/5
Even if the shipping took a long time, I'm still very okay with all of them. Every accessoire is worth it's cheap price, so, why not? I really love it that much and I appreciate it!
About to buy something cute for you or a friend?
Use my 10% discountcode "JenNyanT10"
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Dienstag, 18. November 2014

#13 CosplaySky: Asuna Yuuki Cosplay

I'm here for you, back with a new review, the Asuna Yuuki Cosplay and some great pictures, mwahah!
Be sure to check CosplaySky out, I beg you!! They have so many cosplay costumes, wigs, accessoires, shoes, bwaah, just so many things!!~
Out of over damn many costumes, I decided to take this Cosplay
Asuna Yuuki (Titania Version) from Sword Art Online (Alfheim Online)
I wasn't really sure if she'll fit me that well, and I still am. I think she's to feminine or something for me, but still, it was very fun to cosplay her!

Let's start with this wig by CosplaySky

The price is really fair for the great quality of the wig. The wig is 'half' styled, means, Asunas
braided ponytail is already done - and it's perfect! I had to cut the bangs by myself, of course, they don't know how "big" my face/head is. :D
The color is very nice and fits perfectly to Asuna, it doesn't look any weird or ugly, nah, the wig looks very nice to me, even someone asked me if that's my real hair, because it's just so long and beautiful. It's really smooth and got a silky texture!! *0*
The wig got many hair on it, so nothing from my head was shown.
It was very comfortable to wear - really an awesome wig! :)

The Cosplaycostume includes the costume, the hair & arm accessoire.
The fabric is Matte Satin Lace, it's just so very soft and comfortable to wear & it's shiny which looks really awesome!! At the beginning I thought "Oh gosh, so much skin.." Well, it's really much skin shown, but not that less how I thought! I thought "Oh gosh, mah boobies D:" But nope, everything was well! ^-^
It did fit perfectly, because it's made in your own measurements - exactly, no extra paying for creating with your own measurements, it's really fitting perfectly on me!

The production took only 2 days, shipping took 5 days - that's just so amazing fast. I was really surprised. o;
The package was also very safe packed, nothing to worry about.

Also, the contact was really nice and always given fast answers. :)
Let's have some pictures from the photoshoot I had with AWN Photography! :)

 My fav so far. ^-^

Color: 5/5
Nothing to say about the color on wig and costume - both is just exactly like it's meant to be.
Comfort: 5/5
Got in perfectly, exact measurements and amazing comfort, I weared this for about 4 hours, just like the wig.
Quality: 5/5

Fabric is Matte Satin Lace, it's just so very soft and looks so beautiful. The wig is also soft and looks natural.

Shipping: 5/5
2 days for creating, shipping took 5 days - that's just so amazing fast. I was really surprised. o;
: 5/5
If you want to get a cosplay as soon as possible + very high quality, don't wait to get it - visit CosplaySky now and choose your own cosplay! ^-^
Cosplay Sky :Cosplay Costumes
Heya! :3
Heute bin ich zurück, diesmal auch in Deutsch, mit einem neuen Review: ein Asuna Yuuki Cosplay and einige tolle Bilder. :)
Schaut einmal unbedingt auf CosplaySky vorbei, ich bitte euch.. Es gibt so verdammt viele Kostüme, Perücken, Accessoires, Schuhe, usw. zur Auswahl!!~
Aus über hunderten von Cosplays, wählte ich dieses.
Asuna Yuuki (Titania Version) von Sword Art Online (Alfheim Online)
Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob sie zu mir passen würde, und das bin ich auch immer noch nicht. Ich glaube, sie ist einfach zu 'weiblich' oder so, für mich, aber es war trotzdem sehr schön sie zu cosplayen!
Lasst uns mit der Perücke von CosplaySky anfangen.
Für die Qualität ist der Preis mehr als preisgünstig. Die Perücke kommt "halbgestylt", bedeutet, der geflochtene Zopf von Asuna ist schon da, und es sieht wunderbar aus. Ich hatte dann nur das Pony zu schneiden, natürlich, schließlich weiß man ja nicht, wie groß mein Kopf/Gesicht ist! ^-^
Die Farbe is sehr, sehr schön und passt perfekt zu Asuna, es schaut kein bisschen komisch aus,  die Perücke ist wirklich wunderschön. Sie ist sehr weich! *-*
Die Perücke an sich hat sehr viele Haare drauf, und nichts von meinem Kopf konnte man mehr sehen.
Sie was sehr komfortabel zu tragen - wirklich, eine tolle Perücke! :)

Sword Art Online Asuna Yuki Cosplay Kostüm 75,99€
Das Cosplaykostüm beinhaltet das Kostüm, den kleinen Haarschleier und die Armbinden.
Die Textur ist Satin, und es ist so schön weich und komfortabel zu tragen, es ist etwas glänzend, was es noch schöner macht! Am Anfang dachte ich mir "Oh oh, so viel Haut zu zeigen.." Naja, eigentlich ist es ja schon viell, aber nicht so wenig wie ich dachte! Ich machte mir auch Sorgen "Ahh, meine Boobs.. D:" ABer nein, alles war in Ordnung, nichts ging schief! ^-^
Es hat mir perfekt gepasst, denn es ist angepasst an eure eigenen Maße. Richtig, keine Extrakosten kommen auf euch zu, nur weil es maßgeschneidert ist! Es hat einfach perfekt gepasst! 
Die Produktionszeit hat nur 2 Tage gedauert, der Versand an sich 5 Tage - ich finde einfach das ist verdammt schnell, ich war sehr  überrascht. o;
Das Paket an sich war sehr sicher verpackt und innen auch noch mal alles schön einzeln verpackt, nichts worüber man sich Sorgen machen müsste.

Der Kontakt mit den Mitarbeitern war sehr freundlich, kompetent und immer sehr schnell! 
Ich zeige euch einige Bilder, aufgenommen und bearbeitet von AWN Photography. :)  

Mein Lieblingsbild so weit. *-* 


Farbe: 5/5
Nichts über die Farbe weiter zu sagen - Das Kostüm, so wie die Perücke sieht genauso aus wie es aussehen sollte.
Komfort: 5/5
Perfekt angezogen, perfekt ausgezogen, exakte Maße und wundervoller Tragekomfort, ich trug dieses Kostüm so um die 4 Stunden, genauso wie die Perücke - alles perfekt!
Qualität: 5/5
Der Stoff ist aus Satin, es ist einfachs o schön weich und sieht wunderschön aus, genauso wie die Perücke: Weich und sieht natürlich aus.
Versand: 5/5
2 Tage Produktionszeit, Versand 5 Tage - es ist einfach wirklich sehr schnell, das ist der erste Cosplayshop von dem ich das sagen kann!
Gesamt: 5/5
Ich bin wirklich sehr sehr zufrieden mit diesem Cosplay. Wenn ihr ein Cosplay wollt, und das so schnell wie möglich, mit sehr guter Qualität und sehr guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, dann wartet nicht und schaut mal auf CosplaySky vorbei, da ist für jeden etwas dabei! :)
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Donnerstag, 13. November 2014


So' I'm up with some new circle lenses by

stamish brown circle lens 
*use code JEN10 for a 10% discount*

This was my first package from LensCircle, and everything was fine! ^-^
It included a gift bag, a lens case & the circle lenses! ^_^ I was surprised by that lovely package! <3
& you know what? Shipping took only 4 days!!
The contact was also very nice and kind, we had a little problem about the lenses, because they didn't arrive, but they sent a new pair immediately to me, and it only took 4 days.
These Circle Lenses were for my Asuna Cosplay! I like that bright brown, which is close to orange/yellow.

Look at that enlargement! *q* It's a dark light I used, so they don't shine that bright, but still, they're looking great brown/orange!
They  were very easy to put in and I didn't feel anything bad.

& this is how they look like with natural light. The picture was taken outside, and it was a shiny day. And omfg, they're one of my favorites now, I just LOVE them! They do look nice, don't they? *O*
Here's an example of my Asuna Cosplay with their lenses on. :)
(I'll review that cosplay too)
Color: 5/5
This color is just AWESOME! It's like on the productpicture, such an awesome brown/orange. <3
Comfort: 5/5
First time wearing Circle Lenses by LensCircle - no problems at all. Easy to put in, easy to wear, didn't feel anything!
Enlargement: 5/5
With "only" 14.5mm they're enlarging my eyes to a wonderful fitting size.

Shipping: 5/5

It took them only 4 days to arrive, it was safe, also cute packaged!
Overall: 5/5
  I'm glad I got these high quality circle lenses by LensCircle. The contact is nice, shipping very fast, etc! *-* Just take a look at their shop! <3

*use code JEN10 for a 10% discount*

Cosplaypictures taken by AWN Photography. :)

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Since 27th August 2014

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