Samstag, 8. November 2014

#11 ToFebruary: Psycho Bunny Varsity Jacket

Today I'm here to show you a supercute jacket by


I thought "Woooow!" when I saw this jacket *0* I like the babyblue color and the bunny (dead bunny q.q) with the sunglass on the left side!

Let's talk about ToFebruary!
ToFebruary sells Accessoires, Nails, Dresses, Tops, Jackets, Shirts, Hoodies, etc. which just looks amazing on the pictures! I thought, I have to review one of their products and see, if it's really that nice how it looks! And yes, it is! *-*
The contact was very nice and friendly, they are answering very fast and professional, just how expected. :)
Shipping was only about 11 days, this is pretty fast!! '-'

The jacket is really very warm, I weared it when it was pretty cold outside, and it protected me from the cold! :3
Let's take a look at some pics. Sorry for the bad light. @@

This is the super-duper Mr. Dead-Bunny. Say hello!

Oh wow, a pic infront of my mirror. :D
The jacket is a little bit too big for me, but it doesn't disturb me. It reached till my hip!

And yes, on the left picture, you can see how it looks like from behind! It's telling everyone, that you're a psycho bunny.. Eheheh. '-' I like dat!


Color: 5/5
I like the combination of that cute babyblue and the black color! It just looks like on the productimage!
Comfort: 5/5
Even if it's a little bit too big for me, the comfort is perfect. I love this jacket to wear, and it's really warm!
Quality: 5/5
There's nothing to complain about, it's no cheap product or anything like that, the quality is awesome.
Shipping: 5/5
It was very safe packaged and shipped very fast - 11 days!
Overall: 5/5
This was the first package I received from ToFebruary& I am impressed! I love this jacket, it's like described. The shipping was fast, the contact was nice and kind, the quality is nice. Whuaaa! <3
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