Montag, 29. Dezember 2014

#19 Geocolouredlenses: Geo Aster Green WT-C13

Heya! ^3^ After a little break of reviews; I'm back with a new one for great circle lenses!
This time by
Geo Aster Green WT-C13


Lens Code: WT-C13
Color: Green
Collection: Xtra Aster
Packaging: 2 vials
Life Span: Yearly


Diameter: 15.0mm
Base Curve: 8.70mm
Water Content: 40±2%
Material: Polymacon

 Geocolouredlenses decided to sponsor me this wonderful green circle lens pair. Since I've blue eyes, I know that it's pretty hard to make my eyes look like green. But I wanted to try it with these circle lenses!~
 They arrived in a safely package, including this.

 The lenses and a lens pair!

A wonderful green. I like it!
The lenses were very easy to put in and I didn't really felt them when I got them in. They are soft and comfortable, also no problems getting them out.

They are enlarging my eyes very well!
 Whoa; they are actually looking green! *-*

Color: ★★★★★
Green, actually really a wonderful green, I love it!
Comfort: ★★★★★
Easy to put them in and out, didn't felt them after a few seconds!
Enlargement: ★★★★★
15.0mm is very big - and so is the enlargement!
Shipping: ★★★★★
It took them 2 weeks to arrive and was safe packaged.
Overall: ★★★★★
I always had problems with green circle lenses, since it always wasn't that green which I've expected.
But with this pair, I'm completely satisfied! ^-^
GEO Medical is a safe Korean circle contact lens brand. It is the only brand of circle lenses currently approved by the U S Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and has also gained International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Conformité Européenne (CE) certification. There are currently many circle contact lens brands in the market and customers should always purchase their circle lenses carefully to avoid fake or unreliable brands.

All their products are genuine. Each lens vial comes with a sticker with a hidden unique serial code and customers will be able to verify its authenticity on GEO Anti-fake website. offers FREE international shipping and a FREE lens case for each pair of circle contact lenses purchased.

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1 Kommentare:

Unknown 31. Dezember 2014 um 04:34  

pretty circle lense<3

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