Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014

#18 klenspop: Magic Circle

Back with a new review for awesome Circle Lenses!~
$13.00 (!!)

 So, I thought about 'Let's try some black ones!' and I was excited for the result.
I already received a few weeks ago a package from klenspop, and everything was fine.
This time it included the circle lens pair, a lens case and a tweezer.
This is how the lenses look like.

Left: Lens on my eye. There's a pretty nice difference. The black circle makes my eye look bigger and more like a doll.

I really like these circle lenses ^o^~ I think it looks pretty adorable and the enlargement is also very nice, even if it's "only" 13.5mm big.

Color: ★★★★★
Black - like the productimage shows. I love that effect on my eyes from the black circle. :)
Comfort: ★★★★★
I got them easily in and out. No problems wearing them a couple of hours, didn't even notice them!
Enlargement: ★★★★★
13.5mm isn't that big - but still makes a good enlargement, because of the black circle.
Shipping: ★★★★★
It took only 9 days to arrive, and it was very safe packaged.
Overall: ★★★★★
Perfect circle lenses for a dolly look. They're pretty small but still makes your eyes look bigger. I think they're perfect for beginners. (:
**Use the code "Jennyan 10% discount coupon" for a 10% discount!**
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2 Kommentare:

Unknown 25. Dezember 2014 um 04:22  

wow *o* I really ove these lenses design!

acyhoz 25. Dezember 2014 um 10:33  

soo lovely! Nice review, and the lenses look amazing on you! hmm I wonder how It will look with my eyes hehe :3

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