Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

#24 PinkyParadise: G&G Tulips Green

Yooo! <3 Back with some new adorable Circle Lenses! by
G&G Tulips Green Circle Lenses (Colored Contacts)
**Use the code "jennyan" for a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gift**
So, I was curious how these lenses would look like, and I thought I'll let you know how these are looking! Because the product image looks really interesting, because of that Tulip-design! Let's take a look. ^-^

I got this cute elephant lens case and the lenses ^.^

And this is how these cuties look like *3* They're looking really cool, cant wait to try them out! Let's put them in, goo! :3
Whoa, this is how they look l ike on 1 eye. This design is really cool + they're green, I like these ones! *Q*

These are enlarging my eyes pretty nice, but it seems creepy at the first sight to me :D But still, like them!
Color/Design: ★★★★★
I never saw lenses like these, I'm really surprised about this adorable design & color!
Comfort: ★★★★★
These ones are very soft and easy to put in.
Enlargement: ★★★★★
14.5mm diameter isn't that much for me, but these are looking bigger I think! Very nice *3*
Shipping: ★★★★
Shipping took 4 weeks, but everything was very well packaged.
Overall: ★★★★★
PinkyParadise is a very large circle lens shop, very professional and friendly! I'm really in love with these lenses, but I wouldn't wear them to a cosplay, because of the very noticeable design. :D
**Use the code "jennyan" for a FREE cute animal lens case PLUS mystery gift**
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2 Kommentare:

Julice 23. Januar 2015 um 14:08  

The lenses look great! I like the unique design, too. I think they suit your eye colour very well :3

Unknown 27. Januar 2015 um 12:19  

wooow *-* look really good on you!
The design is wonderful!

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