Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

#26 klenspop: FASHION Brown

Heya, hope you're well! ^.^ back with some new Circle Lens review by




These lenses are looking pretty natural and brown. The color is nice, but I think they won't fit to my bright blue eyes.. Let's take a look at them!

They are looking nice, just like the original productimage.

Well, you see, my eyes aren't really appearing brown, they just have this black circle around my eyes.

Only if you look very close, you can see that it's brown.
This is an example. These are the same lenses, just on a brown eye. It looks much more better and you can see a nice pattern on the outside of the eyes.

Color/Design: ★★★★
The color of the lenses are nice, but the color on my blue eyes aren't that nice. Only appreciating it for people with dark eyes.
Comfort: ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★
You shouldn't use these lenses if you're looking for lenses which are for enlarging your eyes. These are enlarging, but not that much!
Shipping: ★★★★★
Shipping took 2 weeks
Overall: ★★★★★
These lenses are natural looking and for people with dark eyes, which aren't looking for big lenses. If you want to make your eyes prettier, you're good in buying these. The price is also very nice.
Klenspop is selling most natural looking circle lenses!
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