Freitag, 30. Januar 2015

#27 Loveshoppingholics: EOS Cosplay F-43

Hey guys!
I'm back with a new review, for awesome blue circle lenses by
So, I'm owning a nice blue wig, that's why I decided to get these blue ones!
They are really very extreme blue, that's why I love them so much.
They arrived in this very cute bag <3
 LoveShoppingholics is a very nice and thankful shop.
Thank you too, for these nice lenses! <3

 Whoa. They're looking very nice. So extremely blue. Very awesome color!

Wow. These lenses aren't supposed for a big enlargement, but this color is just... *~*

 I'm totally in love. I never expected that they would look SO nice..
They are fitting perfect to my 'blue set'! These lenses are absolutely gorgeous.
Color/Design: ★★★★★
The design is one of the simpliest, but it's totally amazing, because the color is so extreme. The color is very awesome, they're making your eyes really into that color you want.
Comfort: ★★★★★
I won't say anything about enlargement, because they don't really enlarge your eyes, but it is okay, because they are not supposed to enlarge them.
Shipping: ★★★★★
Shipping took only 1 week!
Overall: ★★★★★
These Circle Lenses are absolutely nice. I'm totally in love with them, I never knew that blue can be such a nice color for me!! ^__^
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